Good news!
The Very Hungry Caterpillars are nowhere to be found. In total over a three-day period, I found seven of what I learned were cabbage worms happily noshing away at my cabbage and Brussels sprouts seedlings. Since picking the worms off and taking steps to avoid moths from laying their eggs on my plants to start with (I covered the pots with an old lace scarf thingie that my daughter had in her dress-up trunk), not a one has been found.
The Cabbage Moth lays its eggs on the underside of leaves.
In its larval (caterpillar) stage, this guy chomps right through your cabbage, Brussels, and broccoli plants.
In addition to the brown dude pictured, there is a white variety (white with black spots on its wings). |
Thinning and repotting the plants likely helped as well, as did making a scene by throwing the first worm out to the birds while yelling and swearing. Surely the word on Worm Street is to NOT eat at the Urban Heirlooms Project salad bar ... at this time, anyway. We'll see what happens once the plants go in the ground for the season.
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