Thursday, April 12, 2012

DAY 24: April 12: Wide Open to the Sun

Look who is growing up big and strong? The cabbage, the Brussels sprouts, and nearly all of the heirloom seeds that we sowed indoors. Given the grey weather, it's been somewhat of a challenge to keep them warm and in good light (sun or grow lamp) each day, but I'd say we're succeeding. Aren't they cute?

They're starting to bump into each other. That, and the fact that some plants are starting to get their true leaves (their second set of leaves), means that they're about ready to be thinned out, or as some say, pricked out. The seedlings will be separated and placed in larger containers so they have room to better develop their roots in preparation for a final, outdoor transplant in May.

For now, I'm quietly enjoying the sight of them as they soak up the sun. And thank goodness for the sun today.

The windows of my soul I throw
Wide open to the sun 
-- John Greenleaf Whittier

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