I ordered from Annie's Heirloom Seeds. I found the website to be well-organized and detailed, and the owners share my opinion on growing heirlooms to honor previous generations (the past) in addition to growing for ultimate flavor and health (for the present and future). The seeds arrived snippity-snap at my door.
Here's what I ordered. As the months go by, I'll detail each choice and track the plants' development.
- Lacinato Kale
- Filderkraut Cabbage
- Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage
- Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts
- Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach
- White Vienna Kohlrabi
- King of the North Bell Pepper
- Amish Snap Pea
- Parisian Market Carrot
- Jaune du Daubs Carrot
- Bianco di Maggio Onion
- Cilantro
- Flat-Leaf Parsley
- Sugar Baby Watermelon
- Annie's Lettuce Blend, which consists of Forellenschluss, Tango, Red Salad Bowl, Oak Leaf, Amish Deer Tongue, Rouge d'Hiver, Rossimo, and Cocarde
- And Annie's Favorite Tomatoes Collection, which consists of Black Krim, Thesssaloniki, Koralik, Amish Paste, and Caspian Pink
Total price, with shipping? Just over $40. I was tempted to buy more. Annie's has some beautiful varietites of eggplants, melons, and peppers, but I don't even know how I'll fit what I did order into my small yard.
Consider this all experimental--we'll see how these turn out, how the space plays out, and how much produce these plants yield. Hopefully I'll have LOTS to share, and have room left to expand the offerings next season.
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